Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I have really been enjoying a couple of other book lovers' blogs lately. One recommended "Ten Dumb Things Smart Christians Believe" which I can't wait to read.
The other (awesome blog) pointed out a question she gets asked frequently, "how do you find time to read"?

I get asked this same question often. The more I think about it, I think it's not a matter of having more time, it's a matter of choice. As a matter of fact I believe there are TWO GREAT LIES that Americans repeat to themselves so often they believe it. Those lies are 1) I don't have time to exercise and 2) I don't have time to read.

Some people truly do hit the ground running early in the morning and collapse in bed at night never having had stopped throughout the day. The average American doesn't live this way, however. At lunch they play a computer game or go out with friends. Those are fine choices if that's what they prefer, but lunch offers a great time to read or take a walk.

Also, millions of Americans sit in front of TVs night after night. They have two or three shows that they watch every night of the week. I'm not saying it's wrong to watch TV or that we all don't have that right whenever we want. I'm just saying that one can't watch TV or play computer games for 3-4 hours a day and then say with a straight face "I don't have time to read" or "I don't have time to exercise". Time is not the master here, choice is.

And what a great time to enjoy both reading and exercise. The advent of Kindle and other listening devices (often free at the library) means I can walk and listen to a book at the same time.

Signing off to go take a walk....or read....

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