Saturday, April 11, 2009

I can not not be reading a book at any time. Hmmm, does that make sense? I must always be in the process of reading something. Several weeks ago I finished a book, looked through my home library and could find nothing I wanted to re-read. I was book-less! That unusual situation didn't last long.
Now I find myself inundated with books. Friends and family have recently passed along their favorites. I'm in a two-book cycle currently: One book I keep in the house and one in the van. With so many errands to run and kids to pick up, I often find myself sitting in the van or a doctor's office. Lest my eyes stray to "Dermotology Times" or "Podiatry Today", I tote the current van-reading book with me.

So, my two current reads are: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (second time through)
and Churched: One Kids Journey Toward God Despite a Holy Mess by Matthew Paul Turner.

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