Sunday, August 16, 2015

Sell or Give Away?

Summer has been a mixed bag of decluttering. Some weeks I'm motivated and get a lot done, other times I accomplish very little. Part of the hesitation is my struggle to earn money for all the items we are shedding.  I spent money on all this stuff, it makes sense to try to make money on it.

But there are limitations, the first being I can't stand having garage sales. That option is completely out. Been there, done that, never want to again. So that leaves resell shops in town for clothes and decor items. Or selling stuff to my friends online (or strangers, too). Thus far, I have only utilized the decor resale shop. It's been mildly profitable for me.  I also read a blog last week that helped me feel better about donating so much stuff rather than selling it.  That blogger maintained that if something is not worth at least $10 don't bother trying to sell it. Just donate it.  Honestly, that's what we have done with the vast majority of items we have shed.  Girls clothes have gone to other friends; books to my book club; toys to small children; and a whole lot of stuff to the local Christian resale shop. They put recovering addicts to work and provide an important service to our community so I can feel good about donating to them.

Here's the updated tally:

Holiday items: 52
Clothing: 75
Stuff from daughter's room: 100
Misc: 13
Purses/Totes/Bookbags: 14
Plastic hangers: 34
Kitchen items: 7
Cosmetics/perfume: 8
Toys: 6
DVD player
Household linens, decor items: 74
Total to date:        1405

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